Here we are

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I think it's official that I am the world's worst blogger. It feels like it has been FOREVER since I have updated.  So much for once a month . . . In all fairness, though, I have an excuse for the last few months. If our computer had a comfy chair/desk, it wouldn't be an excuse, but since I have to sit on the floor to blog, I'm giving myself a pass. Sitting in the floor with a baby in your belly is definitely not the most comfortable position. 
This pregnancy has been so different from the first. With Elisabeth, I was hungry all the time (which is probably why I grew to such gigantic proportions) and had some heartburn. I had morning sickness at night for the first 3 1/2 months this go-round. Despite not having had the crazy food aversions I had with Elisabeth, I haven't been so hungry, and I've only gained 12 pounds as of 22 weeks. All these differences probably should have told me it was a boy. And for the first month or two I was convinced I was having a boy, but then those silly online gender prediction quizzes convinced me otherwise.
Last week, though, we saw VERY convincing sonogram images of our little boy. I was completely shocked (why, I'm not sure---there are really only two possibilities).  We can't wait to meet William Kyle this spring. Elisabeth repeatedly said she wanted a little brother until the day we found out. When we asked her if she wanted a brother or sister (obviously we were confident she would say brother), she said, "I want a sister."  Oh well, I've told her a baby is a baby, and she is now constantly asking what baby William is doing.  I think she is going to make a wonderful big sister. Today when I put her down for a nap, she said we were both mamas.  I said, "I'm your mama, and you're Baby Paci's mama."  She looked at me like I had lost my mind, and said, "No, I'm baby William's mama."
I'll leave this post with some recent pics and hopes that I'll get Christmas and Santa updates on here soon!